The excellence of all our services is underpinned by our quality system, which is 100% focused on customer satisfaction.
Fuerte Group Hotels applies all its efforts on meeting the needs of each and every one of its guests. With this in mind, our strategy revolves around the continuous improvement of our products and services and we constantly strive to exceed our guests´ expectations, maximising their level of satisfaction.
Fuerte Hoteles, boasts a combination of tools which assess our guests´ experience and collect their opinions on the quality of our services. All the information we gather brings us closer to our guests, and allows us to offer them products completely adapted to their needs.
We are committed to combining our economic, natural and social systems into one unique system. This system shall lay sustainable foundations for the welfare of all human beings, generating the lowest impact possible in line with the guidelines of Responsible Tourism.
Since over 60 years ago, when the Group´s founder Mr. José Luque Manzano opened the very first Fuerte Hotel, our responsibility towards the environment has been the central pillar of the management policies behind all the companies that form part of the Fuerte Group Hotels.
Year after year, Fuerte Hoteles has been recognised by the certifying entity AENOR, receiving the Environment Management Certificate UNE-EN ISO 14001. In this way, the philosophy that is upheld across all the group´s facilities is guaranteed to promote environmental protection and to join the efforts to reduce environmental impact.
Having these management systems at our disposal gives us a competitive advantage over our competitors, amongst other benefits. It is the satisfaction of our guests, the savings we make on resources and our minimal environmental impact which make us a leading reference in our daily work.
WHAT GETS MEASURED GETS MANAGED: This is how the idea of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined within the organisation. This very concept has helped us achieve all the sustainable targets we have set for ourselves over the years. For more information, please consult our Corporate Responsibility Report RSC.